Travel Policy Reminders

When booking travel, please remember that only domestic airfare is required to be booked through Concur or Christopherson Business Travel (CBT).  All Concur bookings must be charged to a UA P-Card.  International airfare bookings may be booked externally if necessary.  When booked externally, the UA P-Card continues to be the required method of payment.  Lodging and rental car reservations must be booked through Concur when possible.  When booked externally, the UA P-Card continues to be the required method of payment.

Domestic airfare bookings have been mandated through Concur and CBT for various reasons including the below benefits.

  • Visibility and availability of unused flight credits.
  • Support of UA’s travel agent 24/7.
  • Duty of Care information captured.
  • When booking through Concur, the traveler knows the airfare selected is within UA policies.
  • Booking through Concur will lead to an easier reconciliation process as e-receipt, itinerary and card transaction (if using traveler p-card) information will be in the traveler’s profile.