In-State Travel

For in-state travel occurring August 1 and after, there will be two options for submitting your Concur Expense report.

Option 1: In-State GSA Reimbursement 

In accordance with the Code of Alabama 36-7-21, prior approval must be obtained from the supervisor of the traveler for in-state travel seeking GSA per diem reimbursement.  A record of this approval must be retained within the department. Employees traveling within the state of Alabama may be reimbursed for their actual expenses for lodging (in accordance with Section 11.0 Lodging) and a per diem for meals (in accordance with Section 12.0 Meals) in addition to the actual expenses for transportation.   If this method is selected, the University Purchasing Card (P-Card) is the required method of payment for lodging and rental cars.  The P-Card is the preferred method of payment for conference registration fees, allowable ground transportation, and parking fees.  Personal meals and incidentals cannot be charged to the P-Card.

When completing an Expense Report in Concur, select “Domestic Overnight” as the Report Type within the Report Header when receiving GSA reimbursement.

Option 2: In-State Per Diem Reimbursement

The employee can be reimbursed on a per diem basis for expenses other than transportation. Current per diem rates are maintained on the Accounts Payable website. In-State travel expenses covered by per diem, such as lodging, meals, and gratuities, cannot be charged to the P-Card.  The P-Card is the preferred method of payment for conference registration fees, allowable ground transportation, and parking fees.

When completing an Expense Report in Concur, select “In-State Overnight (1 night)” or “In-State Overnight (2 or more nights)” as the Report Type within the Report Header when receiving per diem reimbursement.

The UA Travel Policy and Procedures has been updated to reflect these changes. If you have any questions, please reach out to