The P-Card is an easy and convenient way to pay for supplies and travel needed for UA operations. Since the purchases made by UA employees are essential to the goals and missions of departments and UA as a whole, it can be a major inconvenience when declines occur. This is especially important before business travel. Here are some tips for preventing issues that arise when using the P-Card:
- Be aware of your available credit. You can call US Bank’s customer service number or log in to Access Online to check your available credit.
- Know your spending limits. There are two spending limits on p-cards. The single purchase limit is the amount you can spend in one purchase. The monthly or cycle limit is the total amount you can spend in the cycle (26th of the month through the 25th of the next month). This can be increased if approved by your department.
- Determine whether your card is meant to be used for travel-only or both travel and supplies.
- Reconcile reports in a timely manner to avoid card suspension.
- Make sure you know the following information associated with your account: billing address, CVV, expiration date. Declines commonly occur because this information in entered incorrectly. It’s a good idea to confirm these details and try the charge again when your card declines.
Please feel free to reach out to P-Card Services at with any questions.