Travel & Invoice: Concur Mileage Calculator

You can create a car mileage expense using the Mileage Calculator link in Concur Expense.
With the expense report open, click on the Add Expense button and select the Vehicle Mileage Expense Type. The mileage form will open with the required and optional fields displayed, including the Mileage Calculator link.  Complete all required and optional fields as appropriate.  Click the Mileage Calculator link and review and update the route as appropriate.  If round trip mileage should be calculated, click Make Round Trip.  Click Add Mileage to Expense and then click Save.
The use of personal automobiles for business travel is reimbursable when it is the most economical mode of transportation or when safety issues justify the additional cost.  The Traveler will be reimbursed up to the current IRS-authorized mileage rate for miles incurred.   Current IRS mileage rates are maintained on the Accounts Payable website.  Please review the links below for additional information.