When booking travel, please remember that domestic airfare is required to be booked through Concur. All domestic airfare bookings must be charged to a UA P-Card. International airfare bookings may be booked externally if necessary. When booked externally, the UA P-Card continues to be the required method of payment.
Domestic airfare bookings have been mandated through Concur and CBT for various reasons, including the benefits below.
- Visibility and availability of unused flight credits.
- Support of UA’s travel agent 24/7.
- Duty of Care information captured.
- When booking through Concur, the traveler knows the airfare selected is within UA policies.
- Booking through Concur will lead to an easier reconciliation process as e-receipt, itinerary, and P-card transactions (if using a traveler’s p-card) will be in the traveler’s profile.