Full Text of the Official Policy
2.0 Roles and Responsibilities
Official Policy
The signed version of this policy is available in PDF format.
The University of Alabama Purchasing Card (P-Card) is designed to be a flexible form of payment that permits UA employees to place orders for allowable purchases without the delays or paperwork that can accompany larger transactions.
1.0 Becoming a Cardholder
To become a P-Card cardholder, all of the following steps must be completed:
- The Concur- P-Card User Access Request Form must be completed and submitted to P-Card Services for processing.
- The Cardholder must be a full-time faculty or staff and approved by his or her Budgetary Approver.
- In certain circumstances, part-time or temporary employees may also request a P-Card.
- The Cardholder must complete all required training prior to having the card activated. Cardholders are expected to review and understand all University Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines prior to use.
- Training includes in-person or instructor-led P-Card Policy and Procedure training and in-person or online Concur Travel and Expense: System Overview and Introduction training.
- All required training must be completed within 90 days of submitting the Concur-P-Card User Access Request Form. If all required trainings are not completed within this timeframe, the card will be canceled. A new Concur-P-Card User Access Request Form must be submitted if a card is needed after cancellation.
- Notice of required training(s) will be sent at the time the request form is processed by P-Card Services and again 60 days after form submission.
- The Cardholder must electronically sign the Purchasing Card Agreement prior to receiving the card.
- Upon the completion of training, each card will be assigned to the Cardholder to reconcile transactions.
2.0 Roles and Responsibilities
1. Cardholder
Employees who are responsible for making purchases on behalf of the University should be Cardholders in the P-Card Program.
Responsibilities are as follows:
- Ensure that the P-Card is used for University purposes only.
- Ensure that all complete and accurate documentation is forwarded to the Delegate if assigned. The documentation includes but is not limited to, a business purpose statement, if necessary, and an itemized receipt for purchases over $75.00.
- Maintain the P-Card in a secure location at all times, which includes any documentation (paper or electronic) that may contain the full 16-digit card number, expiration date, and/or CVV number.
- Adhere to the purchase limits and restrictions of the P-Card.
- Review and submit the completed expense reports in a timely fashion to allow the Supervisory and Budgetary approvers time to review and approve the report and to comply with the Procurement Services deadline of the 25th of the following month. It is the responsibility of the cardholder to make sure all transactions are submitted, approved, and received in Procurement Services by the due date. Supervisory and Budgetary approval indicates that all reconciled transactions are valid and conform to all University Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines.
- Resolve any disputes or billing errors directly with the vendor. If they cannot be satisfactorily resolved, notify the card issuer using the telephone number listed on the back of the card.
- Ensure that an appropriate credit for the disputed item or billing error appears on a subsequent expense report.
- Ensure that sales tax has not been charged. If sales tax is charged, request a credit and follow up with the vendor until a credit is received. An explanation that a credit is forthcoming should be documented in the expense report.
- Ensure that refunds are credited back to the card and are not accepted as cash. If cash is the only means of obtaining a credit, accept the cash, then complete a deposit through Student Account Services. A copy of the Deposit Receipt from TouchNet and receipt from Student Account Services should be included in the submitted expense report. The deposit documentation should be added to the report.
- Report a lost or stolen P-Card to the card issuer then notify P-Card Services.
- Upon employment termination or transferring between departments, notify P-Card Services to cancel the card then forward all outstanding receipts/documentation to the assigned Delegate for processing.
- Notify P-Card Services of any approved extended leave requests so that the P-Card can be temporarily suspended and no unauthorized charges can be posted to the account.
2. Delegate
A Delegate in the P-Card Program is tasked with reconciling all credit card charges for his or her card or for another cardholder in his or her department to the department budget using the provided software. The Delegate must complete all required training before being given access to reconcile P-Card transactions. Delegate responsibilities are as follows:
- Review vendor receipts for inappropriate purchases or uses of the P-Card and ensure that tax has not been charged.
- Reconcile all Cardholder receipts to transactions appearing in the reconciliation software.
- Ensure that all proper and completed documentation is included in the Cardholder’s electronic expense report. This includes but is not limited to, a business purpose statement, if necessary, and an itemized receipt for purchases over $75.00.
- Ensure the electronic expense report is reviewed and submitted by the cardholder to the Supervisory Approver and Budgetary Approver to comply with the deadline of the 25th day of the following month.
- Supervisory and Budgetary approval indicates that all reconciled transactions are valid and conform to all University Policies.
- Attempt to resolve any disputes with the vendor and/or the contracted bank provider not resolved by the Cardholder.
- Notify P-Card Services of lost or stolen P-Cards.
- Request that P-Card Services cancel P-Cards for terminated or transferring employees and for those who have lost their P-Card privileges, as approved by the Supervisory Approver.
- Notify P-Card Services of approved extended leave requests for cardholders to ensure that the card is temporarily suspended.
3. Supervisory Approver
Supervisory Approvers provide oversight and assistance to Cardholders and Delegates who report directly to them. This is the first level of approval in the workflow. Responsibilities are as follows:
- Review Cardholder transactions included in the electronic expense reports to ensure that all purchases are allowable and appropriate for the department and that prohibited or personal items have not been purchased.
- Ensure that all Delegates and Cardholders have received all appropriate training regarding their responsibilities.
- Ensure proper controls are in place within their own department.
- Communicate problems encountered to P-Card Services.
- Ensure that all proper and completed documentation is included in the Cardholder’s electronic expense report. This includes but is not limited to, a business purpose statement, if necessary, and an itemized receipt for purchases over $75.00. To ensure compliance, new Supervisory Approvers are encouraged to complete P-Card Policy & Procedures training.
- Electronically approve the Cardholder’s expense report in a timely fashion to comply with the deadline of the 25th day of the following month.
- Supervisory approval indicates that all reconciled transactions are valid and conform to all University Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines.
- Resolve problems when Delegates or Cardholders do not follow procedures and fail to respond to requests for corrective measures.
- Notify P-Card Services of approved extended leave requests for cardholders to ensure that the card is temporarily suspended.
4. Budgetary Approver
Budgetary Approvers provide oversight and assistance to Cardholders, Delegates, and Supervisory Approvers regarding FOAPALs. This is the second level of approval in the electronic reconciliation software workflow. Responsibilities are as follows:
- Review Cardholder transactions included in the electronic expense reports to ensure that all purchases are allowable and appropriate and that prohibited or personal items have not been purchased.
- Communicate problems encountered to P-Card Services.
- Ensure that all proper and completed documentation is included in the Cardholder’s electronic expense report. This includes but is not limited to, a business purpose statement, if necessary, and an itemized receipt for purchases over $75.00. To ensure compliance, new Budgetary Approvers are encouraged to complete P-Card Policy & Procedures training.
- Electronically approve the Cardholder’s expense report in a timely fashion to comply with the deadline of the 25th day of the following month.
- Budgetary approval indicates that all reconciled transactions are valid and conform to all University Policies.
- Notify P-Card Services of approved extended leave requests for cardholders to ensure that the card is temporarily suspended.
5. Purchasing Card Services
Purchasing Card Services is tasked with providing a flexible tool for procuring items needed to maintain daily functions.
Responsibilities are as follows:
- Interpret policies.
- Review department-approved applications for completeness of required information.
- Request Purchasing Cards from the card issuer based on completed applications.
- Review card declines, process cardholder information changes, and cancel P-Cards when necessary.
- Process requests for single purchases or monthly limit increases.
- Assist with disputed charges/discrepancies not resolved by the Cardholder or Delegate.
- Audit transactions for inappropriate purchases or uses of the P-Card based on all University Policies.
- Provide the Procurement Services Training Manager with materials and news and updates to be conveyed to Cardholders during training sessions.
- Review the P-Card Program by using both internal controls and management reports that are designed to ensure the proper use of University P-Cards.
3.0 Program Requirements
1. Department Controls
Each department is responsible for establishing an appropriate internal control environment for University P-Card responsibilities including auditing, adjustments, recordkeeping, reporting, reconciliation, and supervision. Policies within a department can be more restrictive than University policies, but never less restrictive.
2. Cardholder Purchase Limits
Cardholder monthly credit limits should be carefully decided according to the monthly spending requirements and funding source or contract associated with the card. Monthly credit limits may be adjusted when needed with approval from the listed Supervisory or Budgetary Approver. The standard single purchase limit for the University P-Card is $25,000.00, but lower single purchase limits may be assigned at the discretion of the Supervisory or Budgetary Approver.
Temporary increases to the single purchase limit outside of the University’s e-procurement system may be granted on a case-by-case basis. The cardholder, delegate, or Supervisory or Budgetary approver may request an increase to the monthly and/or single purchase limit by completing the Limit Increase Request Form. Email notifications are sent throughout the increase process keeping all involved in the status of the increase.
Note that supervisory or Budgetary approvers cannot submit a limit increase and approve the increase through the system.
Temporary increases to the single purchase limit for purchases inside the University’s e-procurement system are handled on a case-by-case basis. For more information on how these increases are processed, please see the Purchasing Guidelines on Order Placement & Methods of Payment.
3. Compliance
It is the Cardholder’s responsibility to ensure the P-Card is used in compliance with all applicable University, state, and federal policies, procedures, and guidelines. If these are not followed, Procurement Services reserves the right to require re-training and/or suspend or terminate the use of the p-card. Procurement Services also reserves the right to suspend or terminate the use of any P-Card at any time without reason or cause.
If a cardholder has his or her P-Card suspended more than three times within a rolling 12-month period, the card will not be reactivated until the cardholder has retaken all required training. This includes an in-person session of P-Card Policy & Procedures training.
4. Lost, Misplaced or Stolen P-Cards
Cardholders are required to report any lost or stolen P-Card directly to the card issuer upon realization. The Cardholder must also immediately notify his or her Delegate, Supervisory Approver and/or Budgetary Approver, and P-Card Services about the lost or stolen card at the first opportunity during normal business hours.
5. Cardholder Liability
The P-Card is a corporate credit card which will not affect the Cardholder’s personal credit; however, it is the Cardholder’s responsibility to ensure that the card is used within the stated guidelines of the P-Card Program as well as all University of Alabama Policies and Procedures relating to the expenditure of University funds. The P-Card must never be used to purchase items for personal use or for non-
University purposes, even if the Cardholder intends to reimburse the University. A Cardholder who makes an unauthorized purchase with the P-Card or uses the P-Card in an inappropriate manner may be subject to disciplinary action, including possible card cancelation, termination of employment, and criminal prosecution.
6. Approved Contracts
The P-card should be the primary form of payment when purchasing from the University’s approved contracts. See the Purchasing Department’s Approved Contracts page for additional guidance.
7. Entertainment Expenses
The P-Card may be used to purchase items needed during times of entertainment. See the University Spending Policy for guidance.
8. University Travel
The P-Card must be used for several travel expenses while in travel status. See the University Travel Policy for guidance.
9. Tax Exemption
The University is tax-exempt from Alabama sales tax as a public school. See the University Tax Office website for guidance.
10. Billing Instructions
Emphasize to the vendor that the invoice/receipt be included with the shipment or mailed to the Cardholder’s University billing address, not to the University’s Accounts Payable Department. Receipts may also be faxed or emailed to your University email or department.
11. Contract and Grant Purchases
The P-Card may be utilized for contract or grant purchases, but forethought is required since the purchasing authority has been transferred to the Cardholder through the issuance of the card while charging approval resides with the Principal Investigator (PI) or the PI’s designee. The Cardholder must clearly understand what constitutes an allowable charge to the particular program. The Cardholder should be aware, for example, that items that should already be present within an office, such as pens, pencils, paper, etc., are typically not considered allowable as a direct charge on a grant or contract. If there are questions related to allowability, please contact the Contract and Grant Accounting staff. Special considerations for contract or grant purchases include:
- Grant purchases are permitted, provided that the item purchased is an allowable charge against the grant or contract. A direct benefit must be shown for all card purchases made against a grant or contract.
- The P-Card cannot be used for charging Department costs to a grant account.
- C&G Accounting ensures proper approval by PI or appointed personnel, acquiring documentation of the approval during the review of expenditures on the grant.
- Grant purchases must be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the grant.
- The grant account cannot be used as a clearing account for card purchases.
- The Banner fund and account assigned to the purchase must be appropriate.
- When placing an order against a grant account, the “received date” must be within the period of performance of the grant or contract.
12. Reconciliation through Concur
Concur is the software used by the University for allocating P-Card charges to the appropriate budget. This system allows Cardholders and Delegates to have easy access to the transaction activity for each card for which they are responsible. Transactions are available on a daily basis, enabling Cardholders and Delegates to reconcile as often as they deem necessary to meet the deadlines set forth by P-Card Services and/or Financial Accounting. All P-Card transactions within the cycle period should be reconciled to an electronic expense report and approved by the Cardholder, Supervisory Approver, Budgetary Approver, and any additional approvers by the 25th of the month following the cycle end date.
13. Card Suspensions
Transactions not received by the stated due date are subject to temporary card suspension. Transactions are reviewed for reconciliation and approval on a daily basis and card limits are restored the day after transactions are received in Procurement Services.
If a card is suspended more than three times in a rolling 12-month period, completion of the P-Card Policy and Procedures instructor-led training will be required to reactivate a card.
14. Disputed Transactions
If there is a discrepancy in posted charges, the Cardholder should first contact the vendor to try to resolve the issue. If it is resolved, verify that the correction has been made within the next credit card cycle. If the matter cannot be resolved with the vendor, the Cardholder may contact the card issuer directly using the telephone number on the back of the card to dispute the charge. The cardholder may also contact P-Card Services to start the dispute process. Any disputed item(s) that post in Concur must be reconciled and allocated to a Banner FOAPAL. Any credits resulting from disputes should be allocated to the same FOAPAL as the original charge.
15. Declines
There may be situations when a vendor receives a transaction-declined message at the point- of-sale when processing a P-Card transaction. If you do not know the reason for the decline, you may contact the card issuer directly using the telephone number listed on the back of the card.
16. Card Balances
Inquiries for available funds, authorized charges or card balances can be made by contacting the contracted bank provider using the number on the back of the card. This is an automated process with prompts that should be followed directly.
17. Changes to an Account
All changes to a Cardholder’s personal information must be promptly reported to P-Card Services. Please see the Forms section of the P-Card website to update this information electronically. This information may be submitted by the Cardholder, Delegate, Supervisory Approver, or Budgetary Approver.
18. Renewal of Expiring P-Cards
P-cards will be reissued by the contracted bank every three (3) years and should arrive during the expiration month. Upon reissue, the cards will be mailed directly to Purchasing Card Services and will be sent out to each cardholder through Campus Mail in a timely fashion. Current cards are valid through the last day of the expiration month.
19. Student Payments
See the Payment to Student Policy for guidance.
4.0 Documentation
Each transaction charged to the P-Card that totals over $75.00 must be represented by an itemized receipt or other acceptable form of documentation that verifies the date of purchase, the vendor name, each item purchased, and the price of each item. The itemized receipt requirement may be satisfied by providing one of the following:
- Sales Receipt
- Priced Packing Slip
- Cash Register Receipt
- Faxed Receipt
- Emailed Receipt
- Documentation from the University’s e-procurement system (BuyBAMA) is not accepted.
1. Document Preparation
All required receipts must be scanned into a legible imaged file (.pdf, .jpg, etc.) and uploaded, emailed, or directly imported into the reconciliation software.
2. Itemization
When an itemized receipt is unavailable, itemized supporting documentation must be secured. In many cases, when placing orders by telephone or fax, a priced packing slip may provide the itemization needed.
3. Missing Receipts
If documentation has been lost or misplaced, contact the vendor for a duplicate copy. If a duplicate copy is impossible to obtain, a Missing Receipt Affidavit must be completed inside the reconciliation software and attached to the transaction. Please see the University’s Concur Site for additional information. Multiple uses of this method could result in the loss of P-Card privileges.
4. Document Retention
All electronic expense report paper documentation should be maintained in the department until the report has been approved, processed, and posted to Banner in case questions arise.