As a result of a change in the statute, effective August 1, UA will be making changes to the in-state travel policy. UA employees traveling within the State of Alabama will be reimbursed GSA per diem to cover their meals and incidental expenses. The GSA per diem will replace the in-state per diem UA currently uses. Lodging within the State of Alabama will be reimbursed up to $250 per night before taxes. Conference rates in excess of $250 per night are allowable. Any lodging rate greater than $250 per night before tax, that is not a conference rate, requires additional explanation from the traveler as to why the lodging rate was necessary. Going forward, in-state lodging should be paid for with the UA P-Card. The supervisor of the traveler will need to approve the in-state travel expenses before the travel takes place and a record of the approval must be retained within the department.