General Questions
How do I check on the status of an MDV or Travel Voucher?
- View the vendor history information on FAIVNDH.
- Verify that paperwork has been routed through all appropriate areas and delivered to Accounts Payable.
- Allow at least 7-10 days for processing by Accounts Payable. During periods of unusually high volume, processing time may be extended.
- If more than 7-10 days have elapsed since the voucher was delivered to Accounts Payable, email or contact Customer Service at 348-7377 for assistance.
Where can I obtain supporting documentation for an item on my budget statement?
Submit a request by email.
Alternatively, you may request access to the Check Voucher Packs in OnBase for your Banner Orgs. Submit requests via myBama using the OnBase New User Access Request in the OnBase Imaging box. When submitting the request, please include all Banner Orgs to which you need access.
I received an email notification of my direct deposit, but the funds are not in my account yet. What should I do?
- Your direct deposit is transmitted to the University’s bank on the first business day after the date listed on your email notification. The University’s bank, in turn, transmits the direct deposit to your bank. Procedures may differ from bank to bank and could take one or more days to post to your account.
- Verify with your financial institution that the deposit has not been received from the University’s bank.
- If several days have elapsed and verification has been made with your financial institution, contact Customer Service by email or call 348-7377 for further assistance.
How do I acquire a copy of a canceled check?
Submit a request by email.
How do I place a stop payment on a check?
Submit a request by email.
How do I determine what account code to use?
- Consult E-Print for a listing of account codes.
- Contact Customer Service by email or call 348-7377 for further assistance.
Where can I get a W-9 form or tax identification number to The University of Alabama?
Consult the tax website.
Where can I get a tax-exempt certificate or additional information regarding UA’s tax-exempt status?
Consult the tax website.
When do I need an Independent Contractor Form (I/C)?” ]
Consult the tax website.
Where do I send contracts for review and authorized signature?
Forward contracts for signature to Contract Management.
Miscellaneous Disbursement Vouchers (MDVs)
What documentation is required?
- Payment via MDV requires receipts or invoices.
- Appropriate documentation required for reimbursement may include the following:
- Receipts
- Canceled check or imaged check copy from a bank or online banking system
- Customer copy credit card receipt.
- Copy of bank statement plus carbon of check from checkbook
- Credit card statement reflecting charges
- Consult Accounts Payable for other acceptable forms of documentation
Are certain expenditures prohibited?
Refer to Prohibited Expenditures and Unallowable Entertainment in the UA Spending Policy for further information.
Can alcoholic beverages be reimbursed?
State law prohibits the use of University funds to purchase alcoholic beverages.
What types of entertainment are allowed?
Refer to UA Spending Policy for further information.
What information must be included in order for payment of entertainment expenses to be made?
Entertainment expenditures must be documented to show the following:
- Identification of the person or group to be entertained, including the relationship of the persons in attendance to the particular aspects of the University program that will be benefited. This information includes titles, committee names, the field of interest of the person or group being entertained, the reason for inviting the visitor(s) to campus, and other relevant details. If a small group is being entertained (10 or fewer), the names of all persons attending must be shown; for larger groups, only the name or names of the honored guest or guests must be indicated, with the number of persons attending.
- A statement as to the reason or purpose of the entertainment, including the purpose and benefits of the program to the University, must be clearly indicated and understood by anyone outside the department reviewing the voucher. If the function that includes the entertainment is held away from the University campus, an agenda for the function must be attached. If entertainment includes only UA employees, an explanation as to why it had to occur at breakfast, lunch, or dinner is necessary.
- The date and place of entertainment.
Is there a limit on the amount that can be spent on business entertainment meals?
Reimbursement for meals in excess of $25 per person requires a restaurant receipt that itemizes the food and beverages. Credit card slips are not acceptable documentation for meals in excess of $25 per person.
How do I request payment be made in foreign currency?
- Prepare an MDV as usual, leaving the amount field blank and indicating the payment type in the description portion of the MDV.
- A draft in foreign currency will be ordered and mailed to the vendor.
- The MDV will be processed for the US equivalent.
I have a situation that is not addressed in the UA Spending Policy. What should I do?
Contact Customer Service by email or call 348-7377 for further assistance.
Purchase Order (PO) Invoicing
Who do I contact for help with receiving in buyBAMA?
Contact the appropriate buyer in the Purchasing Department for assistance
How do I determine if an invoice has been paid?
- FAIVNDH: This Banner screen can be used to research vendor payment history.
- FOIDOCH: This Banner screen can be used to determine if a payment is pending due to the receiving of goods.
- Contact Customer Service by email or call 348-7377 for further assistance.
How do I close out a purchase order or release an encumbrance?
Email the request to Accounts Payable.
How do I ensure that a credit memo is applied to the correct FOAP?
If the PO is still open, the credit memo will be applied to the PO and the original FOAP. If the PO is closed but can be reopened, AP will do so and will apply the credit to the PO, crediting the original FOAP. If the PO is closed but cannot be reopened, AP will review and do a manual credit entry to the PO and the original FOAP.
Is prior approval required for international travel?
Prior approval must be obtained for international travel. Travel is considered international when it occurs anywhere outside the United States of America, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or Canada.
Travel during sabbatical leave also requires prior approval from the Provost.
Deans and Department Heads may establish approval policies and procedures for accounts for which they are responsible; however, you must at least obtain approval from your immediate supervisor to obtain reimbursement of travel expenses.
Is prior approval required for in-state travel?
In accordance with the Code of Alabama 36-7-21, prior approval must be obtained from the supervisor of the traveler for in-state travel seeking GSA per diem reimbursement. A record of this approval must be retained within the department.
Can I obtain an advance prior to my trip?
The University of Alabama does not advance funds for travel expenses to its employees.
How do I obtain a credit card to use on official trips?
Contact Purchasing Card Services by email or call 348-5230 for additional information.
Is travel associated with a contract or grant handled differently from other travel?
- Travel reimbursement from contract and grant funds requires a travel voucher signed by the principal investigator or project director officially responsible for the contract or grant account; this person may not defer this responsibility to anyone else. In addition, the travel voucher must be signed by the principal investigator’s or project director’s supervisor.
- If a University employee’s travel is funded by a contract or grant, that employee should obtain guidance from The University’s Contract and Grant Accounting office. Reimbursement will be made in accordance with The University’s travel policies.
How should registration fees be paid?
- The University Purchasing Card should be used to pay for conference registration fees.
- If the conference does not accept credit cards, payment may be made by either UA check or by the employee.
- Conference registration fees paid by a participating University employee are reimbursable following the conference. To claim reimbursement, any conference brochures or other literature documenting the expense, a registration receipt, including dollar amount and method of payment, or other proof of payment must be submitted along with the travel voucher.
How should my hotel deposit be paid?”How should my hotel deposit be paid?
- The University Purchasing Card should be used to pay for hotel deposits.
- Hotel deposits paid by a participating University employee are reimbursable following the trip. To claim reimbursement, documentation including dollar amount and method of payment or other proof of payment must be submitted along with the travel voucher.
How should my airfare be paid?”How should my airfare be paid?
- The University Purchasing Card should be used to pay for airfare.
- In circumstances where the University Purchasing Card cannot be used, the airfare paid by a participating University employee is reimbursable following the trip. To claim reimbursement, documentation, including a receipt, must be submitted along with the travel voucher.
Are incidental expenses reimbursable?
- Business-related calls made during travel are reimbursable.
- Charges for safe charges, minibars, movie rentals, bar/lounge charges, gift shop purchases, spa/fitness center fees, and many others are considered personal and are not reimbursable.
- Refer to the Out of Pocket Expenses and Prohibited Expenses in the UA Spending Policy for further information.
What receipts should be retained for documentation?
Receipts and other documentation of the total costs of the trip (including any prepaid expenses) must be submitted along with the travel voucher unless specifically noted in the UA Travel Policy as not required.
How is reimbursement handled when several people travel together on UA business?
- For in-state travel, due to per diem regulations, each employee must file individual travel vouchers to obtain per diem. Any shared expenses are a private matter between the individuals traveling.
- For out-of-state travel, any shared expenses are a private matter between the individuals traveling.
Is there a deadline or time frame that must be adhered to for obtaining reimbursement?
Travel vouchers must be filed within 60 days of travel. Travel reimbursements submitted subsequent to 60 days after the completion of the trip will be treated as income subject to withholding according to federal tax regulations. (Federal tax regulations require that substantiation of the reimbursed expenses be made within a reasonable period. Under the IRS safe-harbor rule, that period is 60 days.)
I have a situation that is not addressed in the UA Travel Policy. What should I do?
Contact Customer Service by email or call 348-7377 for further assistance.
P-Card Services
When are P-Card transactions due?
ALL p-card transactions (travel and non-travel) are due in Procurement Services by 5 pm on the 25th of the month following the cycle end date. If the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday, the due date defaults to 5 pm on the next working day. Exceptions are made throughout the year and are communicated through the Procurement Newsletter or through email.
Where is Purchasing Card Services located?
Purchasing Card Services is located in the Procurement Services Building.
- Physical Address: 1500 Flint River Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
- Mailing Address: Box 870130, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
What is a Purchasing Card?
Issued by the contracted bank provider, The University of Alabama Purchasing Card is a credit card that offers an alternative to the existing procurement processes and provides a very efficient method of purchasing and paying for goods costing up to $25,000. It is intended for business-related supply items and some business-related travel expenses. It is targeted at low-dollar, high-volume purchases, which account for a high percentage of the University’s financial transactions each year.
Who is eligible to receive a Purchasing Card?
The individual applicant must be employed by the University of Alabama. The applicant’s request for a Purchasing Card must be approved by his/her Department Chair, Dean, or Area Budget Manager. The individual applicant must be employed by the University of Alabama. The applicant’s request for a Purchasing Card must be approved by his/her Department Chair, Dean, or Area Budget Manager.
How do I get a card?
Complete the Concur-P-Card User Access Request Form. The request will first route to the assigned Budgetary Approver for review, then route to P-Card Services for processing. Email notifications with status updates and training information will be sent throughout the request process.
Why should I use a Purchasing Card?
The University of Alabama Purchasing Card is a credit card issued by the University through the contracted bank provider to University employees who have buying responsibilities. It is designed to allow the Cardholder to place authorized purchases up to $25,000 per single transaction, including freight, without delays or paperwork that can accompany larger transactions and related costs entailed therein.
What kind of purchases can be made using the Purchasing Card?
Purchases made with the Purchasing Card must:
- Be for business use only; no personal purchases are allowed
- Not exceed $25,000 per transaction unless a temporary single purchase limit has been issued
- Comply with the University’s Purchasing Policies, Travel Policy, Spending Policy, and your department’s policies
- Comply with special requirements of projects supported by sponsored funds
What is a receipt?
Cardholders must obtain an itemized receipt for items over $75 to document each purchasing card transaction that contains the following information:
- Merchant’s name and address
- Date of purchase
- Description of each item purchased
- Quantity, unit price
- Grand total of expenditures
Receipts come in various forms and sizes. The following examples of receipts are all acceptable as long as they have the information listed above:
- cash register receipts
- counter receipts
- faxed receipts
- emailed receipts
- itemized packing slips
If I am a University Cardholder, is my personal credit affected?
The Purchasing Card is a corporate purchasing card for business-related items ONLY. The University of Alabama pays the contracted bank provider each month. The cardholders’ credit is not checked, nor will it be affected by the University’s Purchasing Card Program.
What purchases cannot be made using the Purchasing Card?
The Purchasing Card can never be used for personal purchases or payments to individuals.
When are transactions charged to my budget?
Transactions are charged to individual budgets after reconciliation is finalized.
Can I stop payment on an item that is being returned?
All transactions are paid by the contracted bank provider within 24 to 48 hours of the transaction. The University pays the contracted bank provider once every 30 days. A credit must be obtained for all merchandise returns at the point of sale, if local, or after the return is received by the vendor if mailed. If the credit is not posted to your bank statement in the same month as the original transaction is posted, the transaction must be reconciled as billed without the credit. The credit should appear on the next month’s statement.
What do I do if tax is charged on a transaction?
If sales tax is inadvertently charged to the Purchasing Card, request a refund as soon as possible. If at all possible, the sales tax should be credited back to the card. If this is not possible, the tax must either be allocated to a foundation FOAPAL or reimbursed to UA via cash or check. If cash or a check is received, please contact your department Budget Manager for assistance on how to make a department deposit through Student Account Services.
Can I charge University business travel to the Purchasing Card?
Airfare, conference registration fees, and lodging are allowable charges to the Purchasing Card. Some airlines may not honor the card if the cardholder’s name is different from the traveler’s. It is important that you advise the airline company that the card is a University of Alabama corporate card. Personal meals while in travel status <strong><em>cannot </em></strong>be charged to the purchasing card. Hotels normally require authorization to charge lodging to a card that is in the name of another individual. Call the reservation desk and discuss the arrangements. The hotel will fax an authorization form that you will need to complete and return to them.
What information is required in letters or emails when referencing a P-Card?
In all correspondence, be sure to include the cardholder’s name and the last four digits of the card. NEVER provide the full card number or a Social Security number in an email!
What is the difference between a fraudulent transaction and a disputed transaction?
Fraud occurs when there has been an act of deception or misrepresentation, i.e., intentional unauthorized purchases charged on the P-Card. Suspected fraud must be reported to the contracted bank provider. Your P-Card will be canceled, and a new account will be established with all pending charges.
Generally, a dispute occurs if the cardholder is charged incorrectly for an item, received damaged goods, did not receive a credit, etc., and the merchant is not cooperative after the Cardholder contacts the vendor and attempts to resolve the problem. Any communication should be documented and include dates, contacts with whom you spoke to, and a brief description of the problem. The Cardholder has sixty (60) days following the billing cycle ending date to dispute the charge with the contracted bank provider. Please refer to the P-Card Policy and Procedures for the procedures that must be followed when filing a dispute.
How do I make a charge with the P-Card?
The P-Card may be used to purchase goods in person at the supplier site, over the phone, over secure internet sites, or by mail. The vendor must accept and be a valid merchant per policy. Before placing an order, inform the vendor that the purchase is for The University of Alabama and exempt from state sales tax. If necessary, provide the tax-exempt number on the back of the P-Card. Confirm that the order, including shipping and handling, does not exceed the established single purchase limit of $25,000. Provide your name, account number, expiration date, and complete delivery address. Inform the supplier that they are not to send an invoice to Accounts Payable. An itemized receipt must be sent to the Cardholder by mail, email, or included in the shipping carton.
Should I pay state sales tax on purchases made with my P-Card?
No, state sales tax should never be paid by the University. The University is a tax-exempt state institution. It is the responsibility of the cardholder to inform the merchant that the purchase will be charged to a University of Alabama Purchasing Card and is tax-exempt. Be sure and check the receipt to see if tax was charged. If tax appears on the receipt, it must be credited to your P-Card account.
My P-Card will be expiring soon. Do I need to reorder a renewal P-Card?
No. Your renewal P-Card will automatically be sent to your department address during the month of expiration. You may continue using your P-Card until the last day of the month in which it expires. All cardholders with expiring P-Cards should receive an email from P-Card Services letting them know that a replacement has been mailed.
How can I change the spending limits on my P-Card?
Contact your Supervisor or Budgetary Approver and discuss your needs. If the request is approved internally, please complete the Limit Increase Request Form. This form will automatically route through the approval flow for all necessary approvals.
How do I dispute a charge on my P-Card account?
The Cardholder should promptly contact the vendor first to discuss the issue. If the vendor fails to promptly credit your account, please follow the steps on the US Bank webpage to start the dispute process.
How can I update my address?
Complete the Address/Name Change Request Form found in the Forms section of the P-Card website.
How do I cancel my P-Card?
If you are leaving the University, transferring to another department, or need to cancel your P-Card for any other reason, please complete the Card Cancellation Request Form.
I am transferring to another department within the University. Do I need to apply for a new P-Card?
Yes. When transferring from one department to another, a Cardholder should cancel the P-Card from his or her old department and apply for a new P-Card for the new department when directed to do so by the new department chair.
What do I do if I suspect fraud on my P-Card?
The cardholder will need to contact U.S. Bank directly using these steps in the US Bank Fraudulent Process.
What do I do if I have lost my P-Card or if my P-Card has been stolen?
The cardholder will need to contact U.S. Bank directly using these steps in the US Bank Lost-Stolen Card Process.
How do I check my available funds?
Available credit may be checked at any time by calling the card provider directly using the telephone number listed on the back of the P-card. Steps for this automated process can be found on the US Bank website.