The following types of transactions are approved P-Card charges when the total amount, including freight, does not exceed $25,000. Transactions that are $25,000 and over could possibly require a purchase order and would need to be entered into Banner as a purchase requisition for buyer review.
NOTE: This is intended as a guide. You must consult University Spending Policies, Travel Policies, Purchasing Policies, and Bid Guidelines to ensure the proper expenditure of funds.
- Advertisements – All advertising is to be paid using the purchasing card. If a signed contract or agreement exists, it must be reviewed by Contract Management.
- Airfare – Individuals traveling for University business. Department approval is required.
- Animal Resources – Should be used for labs or research projects.
- Appliances – Must have a demonstrated business need.
- Books
- Car Rentals – For University-related business trips
- Catering – If a signed contract or agreement exists, it must be reviewed by Contract Management. Also, please review the Catering information provided by Risk Management.
- Conference Registration Fees
- Controlled Substances or Chemicals – Must have appropriate approvals and documentation.
- Copying/Duplicating – Off-campus; Must be purchased from the current contract vendor.
- Floral Arrangements – For approved events such as Graduation, Honors Day.
- Food – Bulk food items for preparation typically purchased at grocery stores for business-related meetings, or Doster Café and Brewer Porch.
- Internet Purchases – Allowable items only.
- Lab Supplies
- Landscaping Supplies
- Laundry & Cleaning Services
- Leases/Rentals – Equipment, A/V Equipment, Booth Rentals with appropriate approvals.
- Lodging/Hotels – Restrictions apply; see UA Travel Policy.
- Lodging for Speakers, Guests, Lecturers
- Mailing Services
- Medical Supplies
- Membership Fees
- Mini Blinds – Must be purchased from the current contract vendor.
- Pagers
- Parking Services – Restrictions apply; see UA Travel Policy.
- Office Supplies – Must be purchase from the current contract vendor.
- Parts for In-House Repairs
- Photographic Film and Slide Processing
- Postage and Shipping Expenses – UPS is UA’s current contract vendor.
- Printer Cartridges – Must be purchased from the current contract vendor.
- Printing – All orders for stationary, envelops, and business cards must be directed to University Printing Services to comply with University graphic standards.
- Promotional Items – ALL promotional items must have an approved UA logo to be allowable.
- Propane Gas – NOT motor fuel.
- Radioactive Materials – Must have appropriate approvals and documentation.
- Repairs
- Restaurants – Including fast food vendors for deliveries to campus for business meetings and other allowable events. Additionally, meals served at restaurants for guests, recruits, etc. are allowable transactions on the P-Card (consult UA Spending Policy). This does NOT include meals while on travel status.
- Shuttle Service – Restrictions apply, see UA Travel Policy.
- Software – Off the Shelf; Software requiring a signed license agreement must be reviewed by Contract Management.
- Specialty Gases in Cylinders – Must be purchased from the current contract vendor.
- Subscriptions – Journals, Periodicals and Book Renewals.
- Taxi Service – Restrictions apply, see UA Travel Policy.
- Website Domain Registration Fees