Author: admin

Travel & Invoice: International Airfare Booking

Please remember that due to the availability of local carriers in various countries and locations, international airfare bookings are exempt from the Concur booking requirement. These bookings must still be paid for with a UA P-Card. Travelers do not need to reach out to Accounts Payable for prior approval of international bookings outside of the…

Upcoming Due Date: May 28 at 5pm

Transactions with a posting date between March 26 – April 25 will be due by 5pm on May 28. Cards will be suspended on May 29.

Concur Invoice Reminder

When submitting invoices for payment through the Concur Invoice module, please make sure to select the exact vendor that matches the vendor being paid. After selecting the vendor, you can verify payment to the correct vendor by comparing the Vendor Information displayed in Concur to the information on the Invoice documentation (Vendor Invoice, Vendor Disclosure…

Branding & Licensing Approval Forms

Before ordering custom-printed items such as promotional items and clothing, please review the information provided on Purchasing’s website regarding Branding & Licensing. A Branding & Licensing Approval Form is required for these items and should be attached as documentation for the expense in Concur. If a purchase is made without approval, it is possible that…

International Checks

Did you know a UA issued check could be unusable if mailing internationally? Accounts Payable recommends wiring funds when paying international vendors. Please consider the following prior to selecting International Mail when processing your invoice in Concur. Checks can take months to arrive at an international address. Vendors often experience issues when cashing checks drawn…

Fiscal Year-End 2023 Reminder

With FY2023 ending in a few short weeks, it is important to note the below dates to ensure that Procurement Services can process all orders and post all transactions to Banner within the Financial Accounting deadlines: New bids should have been requested by Friday, September 1, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. buyBama Purchase Orders must be created…

In-State Travel

As a result of a change in the statute, effective August 1, UA will be making changes to the in-state travel policy.  UA employees traveling within the State of Alabama will be reimbursed GSA per diem to cover their meals and incidental expenses.  The GSA per diem will replace the in-state per diem UA currently…

International Checks

Did you know a UA issued check could be unusable if mailing internationally? Accounts Payable recommends wiring funds when paying international vendors. Please consider the following prior to selecting International Mail when processing your invoice in Concur. Checks can take months to arrive at an international address. Vendors often experience issues when cashing checks drawn…

New Mileage Rate for 2023

In recognition of recent gasoline price increases, the IRS has announced an increase in the standard mileage rate for 2023.  Effective January 1, 2023, the mileage rate paid to persons traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the state will be 65.5 cents per mile (up 3 cents from the mid-year rate effective…

Tax Tip: 60-Day Rule for Expense Reports

To avoid tax consequences on expense reimbursements, University employees should remember the 60-Day Rule: Expense reports for out-of-pocket expenses must be submitted within 60 days from the date the expense was incurred (in the case of travel, within 60 days from end of trip). Per federal tax regulations, expenses submitted after 60 days will be reported…
