Want Your MDVs Processed Quickly?

Follow the below tips to ensure that your Miscellaneous Disbursement Voucher is processed in the most efficient manner.

  • Provide the name and address of the vendor to be paid.
  • Include the Vendor Number if you have it.
  • Don’t forget your contact information.
  • If the voucher has a deadline, please indicate by selecting “Y” in the Deadline Field.
  • Specify any special mailing instructions.
  • Please provide a detailed business purpose for the expenditure as well as a description of the good or service provided in the “Purpose or Description of Service” field.
  • Double check your FOAPAL information.
  • Make sure you’ve obtained the necessary approvals prior to submitting the MDV to Accounts Payable.

Finally, please remember to print and submit the “Print” tab of the form rather than the “Input” tab of the form.  The “Input” tab does not include all necessary approval fields, so submitting only the “Input” tab will not provide Accounts Payable with all of the necessary information needed to process the voucher.