Travel Policy Clarification

Following our recent Travel Policy update, we have received many questions regarding the new GSA per diems for meals and incidental expenses and how to apply the per diems to partial-day trips. For a partial-day trip in which the traveler does not spend the night, GSA only allows a per diem if the trip is over 12 hours. We have reviewed many trips and scenarios for this application and have updated the Travel Policy in order to provide an amount for travelers.

Going forward, meals and incidentals for partial day trips for UA employees with no overnight stay will be reimbursed depending upon the length of travel in the same method as In-state travel. In-state partial day per diems will apply regardless of the travel destination.

For example, if an employee travels to Jackson, Mississippi, for 10 hours, the employee would receive $11.25 for meals and incidentals for travel of 6-12 hours. If an employee travels to Jackson, Mississippi, and stays overnight, the employee would receive the amount specified by the GSA for meals and incidentals based on the destination and duration of the trip.

We have updated our Travel Vouchers on the website to reflect this change. Please see the below listing of travel vouchers available.

This policy update is effective immediately and will be applied to any 2017 Travel Vouchers not already processed for payment.

Note there have been no changes to Non-Employee travel.