Travel P-Card Transactions and Pre and Post Trip Reports

University travelers typically plan travel months prior to their actual trip using the P-Card to book airfare and register for conferences.  Deposits for lodging may also be paid on the P-Card prior to traveling (Note lodging deposits can be reconciled using the Lodging – Deposit Account Code which will not require itemization).

Charges incurred prior to the trip typically will have to be reconciled prior to the trip in order to be in compliance with P-Card deadlines.  We recommend completing and submitting a Pre-Trip Expense Report for these types of pre-trip transactions.  The travel dates in the Expense Report header can be input as the dates the transactions were incurred.

A post-trip report would then be submitted following the trip to request per diems and reconcile any P-Card transactions incurred while in travel status.  The travel dates on this Expense Report should be input as the actual dates of travel.  Another reminder when reconciling P-Card transactions is that transactions will typically take 3-5 business days to post in Concur.  If you use your card and subsequently note an e-receipt or itinerary in your Available Receipts, please know that you still must wait the 3-5 business days for the actual transaction to post and match with the e-receipt/itinerary documentation.