Reminder of 60-Day Rule for Expense Reimbursements

All University employees who submit Expense Reports for reimbursement should remember the following:

  • Expense Reports for out-of-pocket expenses must be submitted within 60 days from the date the expense was incurred. Travel Expense Reports must be submitted after completion of the trip but within 60 days of the traveler’s return.
  • Per federal tax regulations, Expense Reports submitted after 60 days will be considered taxable income to the employee, and the appropriate taxes will be withheld from a subsequent salary check.
  • When combining smaller instances into one Expense Report, employees are encouraged to submit at least once a month. (For example, mileage logs or multiple small out-of-pocket expenses)

The 60-day rule is stated in the University’s spending and travel policies and is necessary to comply with the IRS safe-harbor guidelines for expense reimbursements. For more information, refer to the Tax Office website.