POs in Concur Process

All PO Invoices in Concur will route to a supervisor for review and approval.  Following this step, if all information matches the PO, the invoice will route to Accounts Payable for final processing.  In the case that the PO Invoice exceeds the dollar amount approved as part of the PO review and approval process, the PO Invoice will route to the appropriate buyer and then to the budgetary approver(s) on the org(s) affected.  Budgetary approvers have the option to send PO Invoices back to the submitter, and we have seen this occurring with comments to the submitter to change the FOAP on the PO Invoice.  Please note that FOAP changes to PO Invoices cannot be completed solely in Concur as they require a change order in buyBAMA.  We would like to ask requestors and approvers in buyBAMA to be mindful of the FOAP that is being selected when the PO is initiated rather than attempting to update the FOAP once the PO Invoice is being processed in Concur.

Additionally, as PO Invoices are now processed in Concur, these invoices are now appearing on the monthly Org Detail Report that is generated and delivered to campus recipients.  PO Invoices will appear on the Invoice tab of the report.  When you are reviewing the Excel report, the Policy column will note UA-PO Invoice for the PO Invoices that have been processed through Concur in the previous month.