In-State Per Diem and the P-Card

Please remember that when you are travelling on official University business within the state of Alabama, personal meals, lodging and gratuities should not be paid on the P-Card due to State of Alabama per diem laws.  These expenses should be paid out of pocket and reimbursed at the in-state per diem rates via Concur.  Business entertainment meals with a valid justification while in travel status are allowable on the P-Card.  Additionally, if an employee is traveling within the state of Alabama to attend a convention, conference, seminar or other meeting of a state, regional, or national organization of which the state or individual is a dues-paying member, the employee may be reimbursed for their actual expenses for meals and lodging in addition to the actual expenses for transportation.  When in-state travel falls under this specific exception, the P-Card can be used for lodging expenses, and the meals and incidental expenses will be reimbursed according to the GSA per diems established for the travel destination.  Please refer to the UA Travel Policy for additional guidance.