Before submitting vouchers for payment, please ensure that all appropriate signatures have been obtained. This will result in faster processing and payment through Accounts Payable!
Travel vouchers must be signed on the line marked “Signature of Claimant” by the traveler. This signature acknowledges acceptance of the terms and conditions of reimbursement. Travel vouchers must also be signed by the supervisor (not a designee or stamp) of the employee who is requesting reimbursement for official travel. By signing the expense report, the supervisor is certifying the expenses being submitted are in accordance with the University of Alabama’s Travel Policies.
All MDVs must be signed by the appropriate supervisor and an appropriate department-designated approver with budgetary authority. The approvers’ signatures serve as authorization that the purchases are being made in accordance with the UA Spending Policy.
Additionally, please review all supporting documentation within your Travel Vouchers and MDVs to ensure all appropriate signatures are included. For example, please do not include a contract that has not been fully executed and signed by both an authorized UA signer and the external vendor.